Crystal Reports XI — Application Development
Application Development
Interface SDKs. Use the comprehensive interface SDKs in Crystal Reports within J2EE, .NET, and COM applications for flexible control over how end users interact with reports. Choose from a variety of report viewing, creation, and modification APIs to implement a range of interactivity capabilities - from static report processing/viewing to complex runtime report creation/modification.
Reporting components. Embed the powerful Java, .NET, and COM reporting components in Crystal Reports within your application for powerful report processing and rendering.
Custom tag library. Reduce the amount of coding required to embed report templates into JSP pages. Using custom JSP tags, you can now easily add a customized viewer to your web applications, dramatically reducing the amount of code required.
Customizable report viewers. Choose from a variety of server-side and thin-client report viewer controls, including a Java viewer, DHTML (WebForms) Viewer, WinForms Viewer, ActiveX, and Report Part Viewer (mobile viewer), to render reports into various output formats without additional coding. End user report interactivity options - including page forward/back, drill up/down, export, and print - are automatically included. Plus, you can customize and implement most viewer options based on your requirements.
IDE integration. Use a custom bundled edition of Crystal Reports from within leading Java and .NET IDEs for report integration from within a familiar environment. You can currently access Crystal Reports technology from within Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, BEA WebLogic Workshop, Borland JBuilder, and Borland C#Builder. Upgrade from these bundles to Crystal Reports XI for additional functionality and scalability.
Visual control library. Integrate reports into Delphi and C++Builder applications using the Crystal Reports Visual Control Library (VCL).
Royalty-free runtime. Integrate hundreds of royalty-free runtime properties, methods, and events into thick-client applications for deployment at no extra cost.